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Xanharu: Upholding Indigenous Peoples' Rights

Organisation: Indigenous Peoples Rights International

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides & Manuals


Read Issues 1-5. The centuries of struggle by Indigenous Peoples around the world against colonization, forced assimilation and systemic discrimination have resulted in the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) by the UN General Assembly in September 2007. The UNDRIP sets the minimum international standards for the respect, recognition, and protection of the rights of Indigenous Peoples (art. 43).

Counter-strategies summary

Organisation: Mind the Gap

Country/Region: Netherlands

Type: Guides and Manuals


Across the world, communities, workers, activists, NGOs, and trade unions confront the negative impacts of business activities and corporate behaviour on a daily basis. But when they seek justice and accountability, they often encounter the five harmful strategies identified by Mind the Gap that companies use to deny or avoid responsibility for human rights abuses and environmental damage.

I Think, Therefore I Resist: Grassroots experiences of alternative protection and promotion of human rights in the context of large-scale economic investment

Organisation: Peace Brigades International

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


I Think, Therefore I Resist: brings together case studies and interviews with human rights defenders in Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico documenting the grassroots, collective protection strategies communities are using in the context of large-scale economic projects.

Stories of Collective Protection in Latin America

Organisation: Zero Tolerance Initiative

Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


This material is divided into two main aspects, which are as follows: on one hand, there is the theoretical, conceptual, and legal framework regarding the collective protection of human rights carried out by indigenous peoples, Afro-descendant communities, peasants, and rural organizations in Latin America, in the face of global companies and supply chains.

A Critical Approach to Collective Protection: Taking Stock of Protection International’s Experience

Organisation: Protection International

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


Protection International is delighted to introduce our new paper: A Critical Approach to Collective Protection: Taking Stock of Protection International’s Experience. Defending human rights is inherently a collective practice. Human rights defenders act both individually and as a group. Therefore, protection should also be collective. However, existing protection mechanisms often focus on individual HRDs, potentially overlooking contextual factors and relations in which HRDs are immersed.

Securing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights to Self-Determination: A Guide of Free, Prior and Informed Consent

Organisation: Cultural Survival, First Peoples Worldwide, SIRGE Coalition

Country/Region: USA

Type: Guides and Manuals


This guide is written to support Indigenous Peoples who are defending their lands, territories, and resources. It is meant to provide clear guidance to Indigenous leaders and communities about how to exercise the right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC). It includes technical and strategic recommendations on how best to navigate global systems of power and finance so that Indigenous Peoples can respond successfully when confronted by those system.

A Community Guide to Independent Accountability Mechanisms

Organisation: International Rivers

Country/Region: Africa

Type: Guides and Manuals


This community guide aims to introduce people who face harm or potential harm from large-scale development projects to the process of filing a complaint, and the various accountability mechanisms available. We have written this guide primarily for community groups in Africa with the aim of making this information readily accessible and user-friendly. We have included resources and contacts at the end of the guide for those wishing to access more detailed information, project-specific advice, or to get help filing a complaint.

Guide to staying in touch in the face of internet blockages

Organisation: Digital Defenders Partnership

Country/Region: Latin America and the Caribbean

Type: Guides and Manuals


Tools and strategies to measure, document and circumvent internet blockages and censorship.

The Digital Defenders Partnership is pleased to present our latest publication, A guide to staying connected in the face of internet blockages. This is a distributed monitoring approach to censorship that addresses internet blockages in a comprehensive way.

Model Law to recognise and protect human rights defenders

Organisation: International Service for Human Rights

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


Developed in consultation with over 500 defenders from every region, and settled and adopted by 28 of the world’s leading human rights experts and jurists, the Model Law provides authoritative guidance to States on how to implement the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders at the national level. It also provides an influential new tool for civil society to promote, evaluate and report on implementation.

Community Toolkit on Free Prior and Informed Consent and Renewable Energy

Organisation: Right Energy Partnership

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuales


This community toolkit is meant to be used by Indigenous Peoples’ communities, organizations and individuals who are facing energy projects in their areas and need guidance in dealing with them. It could also be used to inform other actors about indigenous peoples’ rights and perspectives in relation to energy investments in their communities.

Quick Guide to Model Law for the recognition and protection of human rights defenders

Organisation: International Service for Human Rights

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


ISHR has published a quick guide to a model law, an essential tool for human rights defenders to protect the rights and freedoms of everyone. The legal recognition and protection of human rights defenders is crucial to ensuring that they can work in a safe, supportive environment and be free from attacks, reprisals and unreasonable restrictions.

The Right to Remedy for Indigenous Peoples in Theory and in Practice

Organisation: Forest Peoples Programme

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


This report explains the right to remedy as it is understood in international law with a specific focus on the rights of indigenous peoples, and will serve as a guide to indigenous peoples, legal practitioners, and civil organizations alike on where the right to remedy is found and what types of remedies they may request.

Reprisals Handbook

Organisation: International Services for Human Rights

Country/Region: Africa, Latin America

Type: Guides and Manuals


Human rights defenders, rights holders, victims and witnesses must be free and safe to cooperate with and give evidence and testimony to human rights bodies. They must be protected against any form of intimidation or reprisal in association with this engagement.

A Human Rights Defender Toolkit for Promoting Business Respect for Human Rights

Organisation: International Service for Human Rights

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides & Manuals


How can human rights defenders effectively engage businesses to promote corporate respect for human rights?

A Human Rights Defender Toolkit for Promoting Business Respect for Human Rights has been produced by ISHR, with the pro bono support of leading international law firms Allens Linklaters and DLA Piper.



Strengthening your Territory of Life

Organisation: ICCA Consortium

Country/Region: International

Type: Digital Tool; Guides & Manuals; Organizational Capacity and training


You are invited to embark on a self-strengthening journey, a process of reflection, discussion, and action that you can define and shape according to your needs and the aspirations of your community.

The process consists of seven self-strengthening exercises, each with guiding questions, tools and examples. The elements do not need to be followed “in order” and can be taken up and adapted to fit your context, as determined by your community.

Forest Link | Mapping for Rights

Organisation: Rainforest Foundation UK

Country/Region: International

Type: Digital Tool


The ForestLink community real-time forest monitoring initiative aims to unlock the potential of traditional forest guardians in monitoring and protecting their forest lands.

Earth Defenders Toolkit

Organisation: Digital Democracy

Country/Region: International

Type: Digital Tool, Guides and Manuals, Infographics, Organizational Capacity and Training


The Earth Defenders Toolkit is a collaborative space for earth defenders and their allies. The Toolkit provides a growing collection of resources and training materials for communities on the frontlines of the struggle to defend critical ecosystems around the world, and community networks for users to connect and share their experiences.

Collective Protection Resources and Mechanisms for the Defense of Human Rights in Indigenous Communities in Paraguay (Spanish only)

Organisation: Federación por la Autodeterminación de los Pueblos Indígenas (FAPI)

Country/Region: Paraguay

Type: Guides and Manuals


This document analyses the current situation of defending human rights for indigenous people. It looks at good practice for collective, organised and communal human rights defense, as well as highlighting the limitations therein.

Community-led Collective Protection through Community Protocols in Sabah, Malaysia

Organisation: Asian Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP); Pacos Trust

Country/Region: Sabah, Malaysia

Type: Guides & Manuals


The purpose of this write up is to contribute to an effort to compile resources helpful in increasing community resilience and protection. The more resilient a community, the better they can respond and recover from their adversities.

Women Defending the Territory: Experiences of participation in Latin America

Organisation: The Urgent Fund of Latin America (UAF-LA)

Country/Region: Latin America

Type: Guides and Manuals


The work presented here, arose from a joint proposal during the encounters facilitated by the UAF-LA, where, on the one hand, the general lack of mechanisms for women’s effective participation was identified; and on the other, the need to give recognition to their fundamental role in the impetus for popular, community, and autonomous consultations and the demand for prior, free and informed consultation within a framework of defense of territories vis-à-vis extractive activity.

Manual to prevent the criminalisation of land rights defenders (Spanish only)

Organisation: Protection International and Pensamiento y Acción Social

Country/Region: Colombia

Type: Guides and Manuals


This manual is the result of PAS and PI’s support of peasant, afro and indigenous communities in different regions of Colombia and forms part of the effort PI is making to characterise and prevent this phenomenon on a global level.


Collective protection for lands rights defenders in Colombia (Spanish only)

Organisation: Protection International; Pensamiento y Acción Local

Country/Region: Colombia

Type: Guides and Manuals


Along with the Association of Indigenous Groups in the North of Cauca, this case study was developed to bring new elements to the ongoing investigation.

Filming Guide (French only)

Organisation: Witness

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals; Infographics


This is a guide on how to create advocacy films with your mobile phone.

‘Free, Prior and Informed Consent’ Posters (French, Swahili, Lingala, Kikongo only)

Organisation: Forest Peoples Programme

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides & Manuals; Infographics


FPP and partners developed a set of posters on the right to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC). By combining pictures and short pieces of text, the posters depict the stages of a process that respects the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities to free, prior and informed consent with regard to projects likely to affect their lands, territories and natural resources.

Guide for the collective protection of human rights defenders in rural areas

Organisation: Protection International and Aj Noj

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


This publication aims to share theoretical and methodological contributions from the Protección Internacional Mesoamérica (PI Meso) after twelve years of work protecting those who protect human rights.


Information for indigenous defenders on their collective rights on land, territories and environment (Spanish only)

Organisation: FAPI & Others

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


This is a resource for indigenous rights defenders to better understand their collective rights to land territories and environment.

Women Walking Safer - (Spanish only)

Organisation: JASS (Just Associates)

Region/Country: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


The manual aims to: celebrate the fights of women and feminists, and help human rights defenders feel like a part of a global movement of women who are constructing social justice.

Primer: technology to monitor and share information on rainforests and forest peoples' rights

Organisation: Rainforest Foundation Norway; The Engine Room

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


This primer is an introduction to using technology to monitor and share information on rainforest issues, land rights and indigenous rights.

Prey Lang App

Organisation: Prey Lang Community Network

Country/Region: Prey Lang Forest, Cambodia

Type: Digital Tool


The Prey Lang app is used by PLCN to collect data on the illegal logging of Prey Lang, and the impact this has on biodiversity and local livelihoods. This data is then analyzed in reports and communicated to policy makers and the Cambodian public.

Participatory Mapping: Some guidelines for communities and organisations that support them

Organisation: Forest Peoples Programme; UK AID

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


Participatory mapping has been used as a tool for supporting community rights for many years. More recently, there has been an increased focus on monitoring as well as mapping, although the distinction between these two concepts is not always entirely clear and they are sometimes used interchangeably.

Participatory Mapping as a tool for empowerment: experiences and lessons learned from the ILC network

Organisation: International Land Coalition

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


“Participatory Mapping as a tool for empowerment” brings together a number of valuable experiences on community-mapping approaches. These represent a set of tools and methods that are rapidly being taken up, developed, improved and shared by community-based organizations in many parts of the world.

Our Right to Safety: Women Human Rights Defenders' Holistic Approach to Protection

Organisation: Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID)

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


This publication is divided into five chapters addressing different aspects of security and protection of WHRDs.

New Protection Manual for Human Rights Defenders

Organisation: Protection International

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


The purpose of this new manual is to provide human rights defenders with additional knowledge and some tools that may be useful for improving their understanding of security and protection.

Monitoring for more effective advocacy

Organisation: The Danish Institute for Human Rights

Country/Region: International

Type: Digital Tool; Guides and Manuals


The Indigenous Navigator tools, data and resources can be used for for systematically monitoring the level of recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples. The Indigenous Navigator offers rich opportunities for calculating and illustrating the situation for indigenous peoples.

Monitoring and Evaluation of Tactics Tracking Sheet

Organisation: New Tactics in Human Rights

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


Use the following sheets to document the campaign actions you have completed and the results you have observed.


Organisation: Digital Democracy

Country/Region: International

Type: Digital Tool


MAPEO is a free digital toolset for documenting, monitoring and mapping many types of data.

Making Change Happen: Indigenous and Rural Women in Defense of Land, Territories and Women's Rights

Organisation: JASS: Just Associates

Country/Region: Southeast Asia and Mesoamerica

Type: Guides and Manuals


This issue of Making Change Happen (No. 5) analyzes the efforts of rural and indigenous women to defend their land, ancestral territories and rights.

Leaving no one behind: Practical guide for indigenous people

Organisation: Asian Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


The main objective of this practical guide is to provide some basic information for indigenous peoples about the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development in a simpler and easy-to-understand way.

Indigenous Rights Radio

Organisation: Cultural Survival

Country/Region: International

Type: Audio/Video; Online Tool; Webinar


Cultural Survival’s Indigenous radio producers bring you the latest information on Indigenous Peoples’ rights and how they are being implemented around the world.

Indigenous peoples’ rights to autonomy and self-government

Organisation: IGWIA, IACHR

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


An International Seminar to assess the global status and trends with regards to indigenous autonomies took place in Mexico City in March 2019. This meeting follows the work developed by indigenous organizations and the organizing institutions over the last few years.

Indigenous Peoples Human Rights Defenders Field Handbook on Human Rights Documentation and Advocacy

Organisation: Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP); International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


This handbook provides comprehensive step-by-step instructions on how to document human rights violations, particularly indigenous peoples’ collective rights, and use the data gathered for advocacy.

Indigenous Navigator Training

Organisation: The Danish Institute for Human Rights

Country/Region: International

Type: Online Tool; Organisational Capacity & Training


The Indigenous Navigator provides a set of tools for indigenous peoples to systematically monitor the level of recognition and implementation of their rights. Here you can find training materials to understand all aspects of the Indigenous Navigator framework and tools.

Protection Manual for Human Rights Defenders: Guide for Facilitators

Organisation: Protection International
Country/Region: International
Type: Guides & Manuals


This publication is intended to serve as a tool for people who are interested in facilitating training processes to develop protection capacities in human rights defenders (HRDs), their organisations and communities.Available in English, French and Spanish.

Guidelines on autonomous consultation and consent protocols

Organisation: Rede de Cooperacao Amazonica (RCA)
Country/Region: Brazil
Type: Guides & Manuals


Resource available in Portuguese only:: Protocolos autonomos de consulta e consentimento. Guia de Orientacoes

Consultation & Prior Consent Protocols: Ideal for developing free, prior and informed consent protocols

Organisation: Fase Amazonia; Fundo DEMA
Country/Region: Brazil
Type: Guides & Manuals


Resource available in Portuguese only: Protocolos de Consulta & Consentimento Previo: Ideais para a elaboracao de protocolos de consulta previa, livre, informada de consentimento.

Indigenous Navigator Tools Database

Organisation: The Danish Institute for Human Rights

Country/Region: International

Type: Digital Tool


The Indigenous Navigator offers a systematic analysis of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), and a comprehensive approach to understanding its provisions, as well as monitoring their implementation through a series of straightforward questions.

Indigenous Mapping Workshops

Organisation: Firelight Group

Country/Region: International

Type: Digital Tools; Webinars


The Indigenous Mapping Workshop and its strategic partners are dedicated to the development and advancement of culturally appropriate and inclusive geospatial technologies for Indigenous communities.

Prior Consultation Protocols: and the right of free determination

Organisation: Fundacao Rosa Luxemburgo; CEPEDIS
Country/Region: Brazil
Type: Guides & Manuals


Protocolos de Consulta Previa: e o direito a livre determinacao (Portuguese only)

Human Rights Defenders Toolbox

Organisation: Peace Brigades International (PBI) and Simmons

Country/Region: International

Type: Documents and Manuals


We created the Human Rights Defenders Toolbox for our pro bono client Peace Brigades International. It comprises factsheets on specific legal topics in both English and Spanish which are disseminated to human rights defenders worldwide.

Radio Program Guide on UNDRIP

Organisation: Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)
Country/Region: International
Type: Guides & Manuals; Webinar


This guide is an effort of AIPP and IVAN to raise public awareness about the rights of indigenous peoples through community and mainstream radios.

How to Develop a Community Paralegal Program

Organisation: Namati

Country/Region: International

Type: Digital Tool; Guides and Manuals


Community paralegals are grassroots advocates who use their knowledge of the law to seek concrete solutions to instances of injustice.

Holistic Security: Trainer's Manual

Organisation: Tactical Technology Collective

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


This manual was created as a companion to Tactical Technology Collective’s Holistic Security – A Strategy Manual for Human Rights Defenders.

It was also created to reflect new knowledge and best practices identified through Tactical Tech’s facilitation of dialogues and engagements between experts and facilitators in overall protection, digital security, and psycho-social well-being for human rights defenders (HRDs) between 2013 and 2015.

Holistic Security: A strategy manual for Human Rights Defenders

Organisation: Tactical Technology Collective

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


This guide is the first to explicitly adopt a ‘holistic’ approach to security and protection strategies for human rights defenders. In short, this means that rather than looking separately at the importance of our digital security, psycho-social well-being and organisational security processes, it attempts to integrate them and highlight their interrelatedness.

GRINS: An Automation System Designed for Community Radios

Organisation: Gramvaani

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


GRINS is a unique Radio Automation System designed for Community Radio stations. Key features include telephony, preview, internet streaming, content management, address book, SMS and polls and low cost.

Facilitator Guide: Kenyan Community Land Act

Organisation: Namati

Country/Region: Kenya

Type: Guides and Manuals


In 2016 Kenya signed into law the Community Land Act (CLA), a progressive piece of legislation that gave life to Article 63 of the Constitution of Kenya.

The CLA presents an unprecedented opportunity for communities to legally claim rights to their land and have complete decision-making power about how their land is used and managed. It is in light of this that the Facilitator’s Guide was published.

eyeWitness User Manual

Organisation: eyeWitness to Atrocities

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


A series of easy to follow instructions for using the various features of the eyeWitness app.

eyeWitness App

Organisation: eyeWitness to Atrocities

Country/Region: International

Type: Digital Tool


We believe in a simple vision: A world where those who commit the worst international crimes are held responsible for their actions. We use an innovative approach, combining law and technology, to make this a reality.

Environmental Impact Assessment in the Mekong Region

Organisation: EarthRights International

Country/Region: Mekong Delta

Type: Guides and Manuals


EarthRights International (ERI), alongside its partners in the Mekong Legal Network (MLN), is working directly to build the capacity of communities, campaigners and lawyers to engage in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) processes in the Mekong region. Consequently, ERI and the MLN have collaborated to produce this original manual for EIA practitioners in the six Mekong countries which specifically targets government decision-makers, investors, lawyers and other professionals working on the implementation of EIA.

Resources for Defenders

Organisation: EarthRights International

Country/Region: International

Type: Audio/Visual, Guides & Manuals, Organizational Capacity & Training


EarthRights uses community education tools to support people around the world who face earth rights abuses. These tools take concepts and lessons that are crucial for defending human and environmental rights and present them in a way that’s accessible to everyone.

Digital Security Helpline

Organisation: AccessNow

Country/Region: International

Type: Digital Tool


Access Now’s Digital Security Helpline works with individuals and organizations around the world to keep them safe online. If you’re at risk, we can help you improve your digital security practices to keep out of harm’s way. If you’re already under attack, we provide rapid-response emergency assistance.

Digital Defenders Partnership

Organisation: Digital Defenders

Country/Region: International

Type: Digital Tool


This manual has been developed in order to further learning, discussion, debate and the establishment of best practices in supporting the digital and holistic security of human rights organisations, networks and collectives.

Realizing Indigenous Women's Rights: A handbook on the CEDAW

Organisation: Asian Indigenous Women’s Network; Forest Peoples Programme; Tebtebba Foundation
Country/Region: International
Type: Guides & Manuals


Indigenous women the world over experience particular forms of discrimination because of their multiple identities, discrimination against them as indigenous peoples and discrimination of a different form against their gender. This book seeks to work towards realizing indigenous women’s rights by explaining the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.

Resettlement Guide for People Affected by Dam Development

Organisation: Scientific Animations Without Borders
Country/Region: International
Type: Video


When the government gives someone permission to use your land or natural resources, which may require you to leave your land they must discuss options to avoid and minimize the negative impacts. This video explains this process.

RIGHTS! Training Manual on UNDRIP (Vol. 2)

Organisation: Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)
Country/Region: International
Type: Guides & Manuals


This Training Manual is the second volume in the series of educational and training materials on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) produced by AIPP. Rights! Volume II is an update of Rights! Volume I.



Security in a box: digital security tools and tactics

Organisation: Tactical Technology Collective; Frontline Defenders
Country/Region: International
Type: Digital Tool


The Tactics Guides in this toolkit cover basic principles such as how to create strong passphrases and avoid malware. The Tool Guides offer step-by-step instructions to help you install, configure and use essential digital-security software and services.

Security is Community: Lessons from the Panic Button Experience

Organisation: Name
Country/Region: International
Type: Audio/Visual; Digital Tool; Guides & Manuals; Info-graphic; Organizational Capacity & Training; Template; Video; Webinar


Originally situated within the Security with Human Rights Campaign at Amnesty International (AI), the panic Button project was born out of a desire to creatively engage with technologists to positively impact on situations of enforced disappearances and unlawful detention.

Security Risk Management: a basic guide for smaller NGOs

Organisation: European Interagency Security Forum (EISF)
Country/Region: International
Type: Audio/Visual; Digital Tool; Guides & Manuals; Info-graphic; Organizational Capacity & Training; Template; Video; Webinar


The security of personnel is one of the biggest challenges facing humanitarian and development non-governmental organisations (NGOs), large and small, as they are faced with growing insecurity, threats and violence.

This guide aims to be a simple, easy-to-use security resource to help smaller NGOs demystify security risk management.

Webinar Series: Defending the Amazon in times of COVID-19 (Spanish, Portuguese only)

Organisation: All Eyes on the Amazon
Country/Region: International
Type: Audio/Visual; Digital Tool; Guides & Manuals; Info-graphic; Organizational Capacity & Training; Template; Video; Webinar

Sistema de Observação e Monitoramento da Amazônia Indígena - SOMAI (Portuguese Only)

Organisation: Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia (IPAM)

Country/Region: South America

Type: Digital Tool


Scientific information to assist indigenous peoples in the Brazilian Amazon in adapting to the impacts of climate change. Using free software, the platform contains scientific data both on climate changes that have already occurred and possible future scenarios.

Database of Good Practices

Organisation: International Land Coalition

Country/Region: International

Type: Online Tool


One of the motivations for joining the International Land Coalition is for members to have a dedicated space to share experiences with, and learn from other members. That is why the ILC Secretariat has developed the Database of Good Practices. The Database is organised around the 10 commitments for people-centred land governance. This way the case studies in the Database provide concrete examples and guidance to the members and partners of ILC on how to achieve each of these commitments.

Dams, Rivers, and Rights: An Action Guide for Communities Affected by Dams

Organisation: International Rivers

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


Around the world, people are rising up against big dams. They are fighting to protect their rivers and their livelihoods from new dams. They are demanding compensation for problems caused by old dams. They are proposing better alternatives for energy, water supply and flood management. All of them are fighting for a voice in decisions that affect their lives.

Consultation Protocols (Video): Instrument for the Defense of Territories and Rights

Organisation: International Rivers and Others

Country/Region: Regional

Type: Webinar, Video, Audio


The video “Consultation Protocols: Instrument for the Defense of Territories and Rights” was produced by International Rivers and directed by Todd Southgate. It portrays an initiative that emerged within the movements of indigenous peoples and other traditional communities that aims to ensure the right to free, prior and informed consultation and consent on policies and projects that affect their territories and lives.

Consultation Protocols (Manual): Instrument for the Defense of Territories and Rights

Organisation: International Rivers and Others

Country/Regions: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


The Consultation Protocols: Instrument for the Defense of Territories and Rights video aims to contribute to the exchange of experiences and knowledge between indigenous peoples and other traditional communities in Brazil on the origins, processes of elaboration and implementation of Consultation and Free Consent Protocols, Prior and Informed, a new instrument for the defense of territories and rights, developed by the movements themselves.

Community-based Security Measures and Territory: Methodological Notes from an Integral Defense Perspective

Organisation: ProDESC

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


The material in the following pages is the result of several years of ProDESC’s work (ProDESC is the acronym in Spanish for the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Project). Throughout our trajectory in the defense of human rights, and in particular in defense of land, territory and natural resources, we have observed and thought carefully about the realities and challenges faced by community defenders in their everyday tasks.

Community Radio: Strengthening democracy and governance through development of the media in Mozambique

Organisation: UNESCO, UNDP

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


A community radio is a unique local force for development. It has the fantastic capacity of a mass medium, facilitating that a few people can communicate effectively with many. Once the installation is carried out, and the radio is really on air, the producers can very easily be in instantaneous touch with the listeners – with the community. Any important news can immediately be carried into to the radio receivers of the community.

Community Based Monitoring and Information systems: for community trainers and organizers

Organisation: Tebtebba Foundation

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals

Surveillance & counter-surveillance for HRDs and their organisations

Organisation: Protection International
Country/Region: International
Type: Guides & Manuals


This booklet aims to provide human rights defenders and their organisations tools to check and curtail actions carried out against them: By engaging in counter-surveillance one can make it more difficult for aggressors to attack so that your security will improve and you can continue with defending human rights safely.

Survey Template for Community-Led Research

Organisation: International Accountability Project
Country/Region: International
Type: Guides & Manuals


This Survey Template was designed to explore the direct experiences and expertise community members have about the process and impacts of development projects, and to identify ideas and priorities for their visions of development.

Territories of Life: A video toolkit for indigenous peoples about land and rights

Organisation: LifeMosaic

Country/Region: International

Type: Video


The Territories of life toolkit is a series of videos that share stories of resistance, resilience and hope with communities on the front line of the global rush for land. The aim of the toolkit is to share stories, experiences and ideas between communities, and to help spark discussions of your own.

Territories of Life: Booklet for Facilitators

Organisation: Life Mosaic
Country/Region: International
Type: Guides & Manuals


The Territories of Life toolkit is a series of 10 short videos that share stories of resistance, resilience and hope with communities on the frontline of the global rush for land (Tandem with VideoToolkit).

Toolkit on Indigenous Women's Rights in Africa

Organisation: Forest Peoples Programme
Country/Region: Africa
Type: Guides & Manuals


This toolkit was created to help indigenous women in Africa to better understand the African human rights system and how to use it effectively to secure their rights, and is comprised of 11 information notes (detailed below).

Toolkit on the Inter-American human rights system for indigenous women

Organisation: Forest Peoples Programme
Country/Region: North, South & Central America
Type: Guides & Manuals


This toolkit, which contains a series of information notes explaining different aspects of the Inter-American system, is designed to help indigenous women and their advocates to use the Inter-American human rights system effectively.

Training manual for Indigenous Peoples on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)

Organisation: Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)
Country/Region: International
Type: Guides & Manuals


This Training Manual for Indigenous Peoples on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) is meant to equip indigenous peoples’ organizations, leaders, trainers and community members with the information and knowledge necessary to ensure that the right to FPIC is respected.

Digital Security Training Module

Organisation: CIPE
Country/Region: International
Type: Digital Tool; Guides & Manuals


CIPE Training Module #3: Digital Security

Training Package: survivor and community-led crisis response

Organisation: Local to Global
Country/Region: International
Type: Digital Tool; Guides & Manuals


These resources are designed for individuals who have taken part in training on implementing sclr or a training of trainers workshop. If you are new to this approach please contact us to find our about opportunities for training and keep an eye on our training page for new introductory resources.

In this resource pack you will find presentations, facilitation notes, exercises and case studies relevant to training and co-design workshops. These are editable for your specific context.

Transforming Power: a gender guide for organizations campaigning on dams and for rivers

Organisation: International Rivers
Country/Region: International
Type: Guides & Manuals


This guide was created as a tool to help Civil Society Organizations (CSO’s), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) and grassroots community organizations strengthen their gender practice and encourage campaigning in ways that are gender-responsive in the interests of both women and men.


Guide to Types of Grievance Mechanisms

Organisation: SOMO
Country/Region: International
Type:Guides & Manuals


This website/guide describes and distinguishes the following types of mechanisms:

  • International grievance mechanisms
  • Regional mechanisms: multilateral development banks
  • Regional human rights commissions
Umbrella - free digital and physical security advice

Organisation: Umbrella
Country/Region: International
Type: Digital Tool; Guides & Manuals


Protect yourself. Protect your team. Security First’s flagship Umbrella app gives you free digital and physical security advice when you need it most in a downloadable App.

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on Rights to Development

Organisation: Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)

Country/Region: International
Type: Guides & Manuals


A guide to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) on Rights to Development.

Community Radio: A user's guide to the technology

Organisation: UNESCO

Country/Region: International

Types: Document and Manual


Congratulations! If you’re reading this, you have taken the first steps on along and satisfying journey that should (we hope) culminate in the setting upand successful operation of a community radio station: A radio station by, for and from the people.

Community Media: a good practice handbook

Organisation: UNESCO

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


This is a collection of case studies of good practice in community media. Its intention is to provide inspiration and support for those engaged in community media advocacy and to raise awareness and understanding of community media among policy makers and other stakeholders.

Community Land Protection: Facilitators Guide

Organisation: Namati

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals, Digital tool


Namati’s Community Land Protection Facilitators Guide is a step-by-step, practical “how to” manual for grassroots advocates working to help communities protect their customary claims and rights to land and natural resources.

Community Action Guide on Community Led Research

Organisation: International Accountability Project

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


Conducting community-led research is one effective way for communities to
respond to development challenges, and to voice their development priorities

Communities in the Driving Seat: A Manual on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)

Organisation: Social Entrepreneurs for Sustainable Development

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals


Free, Prior and Informed Consent – known as ‘FPIC’ – is an international legal
standard protected by both Liberia’s national law and the legally binding human
rights treaties to which Liberia is a party.

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Free Prior and Informed Consent

Organisation: Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)
Country/Region: International
Type: Guides & Manuals


A guide on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC).

Video as Evidence: Field Guide

Organisation: Witness
Country/Region: International
Type: Guides & Manuals


The Video as Evidence Field Guide helps filmers use videos to expose abuse and bring about justice. This resource helps ensure that more cameras in more hands can lead to more exposure and greater justice.

We're Experts Too! Checking to support Community-Led Reseearch

Organisation: International Accountability Project
Country/Region: International
Type: Guides & Manuals


In this Checklist, you will find a summary of the main strategies and recommendations that are described in the Community Action Guide on Community-led Research. A Survey Template for Community-Led Research is available with this Checklist for you to use and adapt to your own community.

Collective Protection of Human Rights Defenders: A collective approach to the right to defend human rights

Organisation: Protection International

Country: International

Types: Guides and Manuals


The purpose of this publication is to contribute to a shift in current prevailing narratives on the protection of human rights defenders. For protection to be effective, sustainable and reach a greater number of human rights defenders, we shift towards a more collective mindset.

Collective Protection of Human Rights Defenders of the Right to Land and Territory: Conceptual developments and methodological challenges

Organisation: Protection International, Pensamiento y Acción Social

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides & Manuals


This report is the product of a two-year long research project that seeks to explore more comprehensive approaches to protection for human rights defenders, particularly those defending the right to land and territory.

Workbook on Security: Practical Steps for Human Rights Defenders At Risk

Organisation: Frontline Defenders
Country/Region: International
Type: Guides & Manuals


The Front Line Defenders Workbook on Security has been inspired by the hundreds of HRDs from over 50 countries who have attended Front Line Defenders workshops on security and protection.

Autonomous, Free and Informed Consultation and Prior Consent Protocols

Organisation: Observatory on Community Protocols

Country/Region: International

Type: Digital Tool; Guides & Manuals

A Rights-Based Approach to Participatory Video

Organisation: Insight
Country/Region: International
Type: Digital Tool; Guides & Manuals


This toolkit has been assembled to provide the first few stepping stones for practitioners of participatory video to begin introducing a rights-based approach into their practice.