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Community Radio: A user’s guide to the technology

Organisation: UNESCO

Country/Region: International

Types: Document and Manual 


Congratulations! If you’re reading this, you have taken the first steps on along and satisfying journey that should (we hope) culminate in the setting upand successful operation of a community radio station: A radio station by, for and from the people.

With the Government. of India allowing communityradio stations (CRS) in India in late 2006, a new chapter has begun for thosewho have been working towards creating media and technology access forcommunities – and to empower ourselves with an understanding of how touse these technologies to highlight our concerns, our ideas, and our culturaland traditional practices.

Organisation: UNESCO
Year: 2007
Language(s): English
Country/Region: International 
Area: Community Vigilance, Media & Monitoring; Research, Campaigning and Advocacy
Type: Documents and Manuals 
Rating: 7