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Our Right to Safety: Women Human Rights Defenders’ Holistic Approach to Protection

Organisation: Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID)

Country/Region: International

Type: Guides and Manuals

This publication is divided into five chapters addressing different aspects of security and protection of WHRDs.

Chapter one analyzes the risk factors and violations faced by WHRDs, in particular the use or threat of sexual violence and the use of gender and sexual stereotypes against WHRDs. It also explores the concept of integrated security and how many WHRDs understand this concept.

Chapter two explores a wide range of protection measures that have been discussed with WHRDs in the course of this research, including initiatives addressing individual, family, collective and institutional security, as well as measures addressing structural violence and digital security.

Chapter three elaborates on the responsibility of States to protect WHRDs and the strengths and potential pitfalls of several State initiatives that are currently in place.

Chapter four describes some of the regional and international human rights mechanisms that have been put in place to protect defenders.

Chapter five provides a set of recommendations for States and other institutions to develop gender-specific protection initiatives.

Organisation: Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID)
Year: 2014
Language(s): English
Country/Region: International 
Area: International Legal Mechs; Collective and Physical security, Women, and Risk Assessments; Digital Security; Research, Campaigning, & Advocacy
Type: Guides and Manuals 
Rating: 7