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Guide to staying in touch in the face of internet blockages (Spanish only)

Tools and strategies to measure, document and circumvent internet blockages and censorship.

The Digital Defenders Partnership is pleased to present our latest publication, A guide to staying connected in the face of internet blockages. This is a distributed monitoring approach to censorship that addresses internet blockages in a comprehensive way.

The first part of the guide is dedicated to understanding how the internet works and what types of blockages we can face in Abya Yala, as well as identifying the history of blockages in the region in order to understand in detail the mechanisms of censorship.

The second part offers methodologies and tools for measuring and documenting blockages. The guide proposes a four-stage documentation cycle: measurement, recording, analysis and reporting, which allows for a detailed account of the characteristics of censorship events.

Finally, the third part lists tactics and technologies for circumventing blockages and censorship. From those technologies “within” the internet, such as VPN or satellite connection, to those “beyond” the internet, such as fanzines, autonomous local servers, sneakernet or simply word of mouth.

Organisation: Digital Defenders Partnership
Year: 2022
Language(s): Spanish
Country/Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
Area: Digital Security
Type: Guides and Manuals
Rating: –